In between a great escape to Greece and the quiet

August 5, 2011 § 1 Comment

there was a surprise

I believe it is safe to say that I was given a beautiful gift, one of the best and most thoughtful things anyone has done for me.

There were a lot of people that worked together to make this happen and I want to thank you all. But, the orchestrator, Mark, deserves the applaude, a standing ovation, an award of some sort is certainly due.

The surprise????  Lexi, in Macedonia! For those of you who do not know, Lexi is my 22 year old daughter.

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I hoped and hoped that we would be able to get here here, but deep in my heart I just really thought it was not going to happen because of the cost of the ticket and her ability to get off work. I had no clue that they had this scheme going on. They had been planning it since Feburary! SNEAKS

I knew Mark, his sister and nephew as well, was coming but Lexi was a true surprise. I had absolutely NO idea. I am going to go out on a limb here and share where it starts…. We, the driver and I, are on our way to the airport to pick up Mark, his sister Debby and her son Connor. – side note- The driver is in on this. Mark had contacted Austin, one of my PCV friend here, who gave him the email of my Macdonian friend Eli, my drivers cousin,  who then got a hold of the driver, Done, to say we needed 2 cars because there would be an extra person, the surprise, Lexi. He happens to casually mention that the guy in front of us is a buddy of his, his tone was that of surprise. We get to the border, it is taking FOREVER. They are chatting, I am chatting. Yes, the driver and his buddy are in on the surprise. I am not. I still have no idea. I am under the impression his friend just happens to be heading to the airport to pick someone up too. Hummmm? No. I was just excited to have visitors and not much else was on my mind. The ride was uneventful other then the fact there was WAY to much traffic and ended up being about 10 minutes late. I was not stressing but I bet the drivers were freakin’ a bit. We get to the airport, drive by the passenger pick-up and I do not see them so we do a 2nd drive by and park … I go in, I see Mark, Debby, Connor … we give hugs … they are have their camers out and hands are shaking … I look to my right … a double take … what … really? … LEXI!!!! no wonder they were shaking … hugs and tears and laughs and pictures. You can imagine. I had no idea. A beautiful surprise. A big fat warm fuzzy to last a lifetime.

We had a fabulous visit, they had a great time. Skopje, waterfals, natural springs, Roman baths, monestaries, nunneries, the countryide and the incredible hospitality of the members of my community. This is a trip we will not forget.

I do not have many photos, they do, mine are here (with my hands on my head and heart).

§ One Response to In between a great escape to Greece and the quiet

  • Lew says:

    What a beautiful story!
    It hammered home how important a visit from family will be for me in the years ahead.
    Thanks for sharing that experience with everyone.
    Again, nice photos.

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