Bake Sale …. Macedonian Style

May 2, 2011 § 5 Comments

This was not a familiar concept here. Now they know – Goal 2!

My counterpart and I have recently been turned down on a grant to build an English resource library for her school and the 7 surrounding satellite schools. We were asking for funds to buy a color printer/copier, laminator, teaching resources/manuals, books, dictionaries, etc… After much discussion on other resources for funding I suggested a bake sale to raise a little money for some of the items. So, she took the idea and ran with it. The director of the school, and I believe many of the teachers as well, were skeptical.

Since it was around Easter time, actually the 3rd day of Easter, we gave it an Easter theme. It was discussed at a teacher meeting asking for support and ideas. Letters were sent home to parents asking for their support by making goodies; cakes, cookies, sweets, breads. A parent meeting was held to clarify and answer questions. my counterpart and I met with the mayor to explain and invite him. I spent a few days making decorations and cooking myself. On the day of the event each grade had a table set up, parents brought their goodies about 1, photo ops were at 2 (not part of the plan but they were all so excited), community started showing at 3, speech was made by my counterpart and mayor and director, the feeding frenzy began. After people bought their “plate” for 50 MKD they then took it over to a long table where there was empty plates, cups and drinks to open their yummies to eat and share.

It was a success!

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