Ohrid Macedonia

April 11, 2011 § 3 Comments

Last week the MAK 15’s had a conference in a beautiful town on a lake. We were lucky enough to stay in a wonderful hotel and well deserved. This was an opportunity to work with our counterparts and other PCV’s together, sharing opportunities and ideas from across the country.

I am sure there are a number of other pictures floating around on other volunteer blogs and FB pages, but here are mine. I don’t show our hard work, just our time letting off steam, playing.

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Then a number of us crashed the apartments of two other PCV’s that are lucky enough to live there. We stayed an extra day or two to soak up the sun and sites.  the pictures depict a very small portion of Ohrid; neighborhood over looking the lake, lake front, main shopping street, boat ride to the Monastery of Sv Naum, peacocks around Sv Naum.

§ 3 Responses to Ohrid Macedonia

  • Mom says:

    Wow, I would love some of those pictures to hang, Aimee. The peacocks look a little like Jimmy the Guinea with out a veil 😉

    • Thank you! Let me know which ones and I can send them to you via email.
      The peacocks were amazing, I had no idea how loud they are. They would call to each other. It made me think ‘ancient’, dinosaur.

  • Jenn says:

    peacocks. sound like screaming babies. i want a rock from the beach. beautiful location!

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